Friday, August 10, 2007

school days...

I just finished my last real class of my undergraduate career. I still have an internship in Boulder and I'm finishing up a correspondence course, but never again will I have to go to class (until I get my masters). I'm feeling quite proud of myself right now, I have my internship all lined up in Boulder and even though it still counts as school I really feel like I've finished, my internship is just me being a social worker will no money and extra guidance.

So here is my tribute to college and the University of Arkansas, Old Main in all her glory.

Hit that line! Hit that line! Keep on going,
Move that ball right down the field!
Give a cheer. Rah! Rah! Never fear. Rah! Rah!
Arkansas will never yield!
On your toes, Razorbacks, to the finish,
Carry on with all your might!
For it's A-R-K-A-N- S-A-S for Arkansas!
Fight! Fight! Fi-i-i-ght!

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